I’m going to be honest, this is post is full of bummers. But I’ve tucked some John Mulaney talking about cannibals in here to make it a little more palatable.

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I want the names of all the adult people who thought ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ wine was a good idea.

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In which I call bullshit on this ‘Game of Thrones’ death algorithm that some nerd made. And then I fix it.

Continue reading “In which I call bullshit on this ‘Game of Thrones’ death algorithm that some nerd made. And then I fix it.”

A bunch of season finales this week, but obviously the most important is ‘Atlanta,’ and everything else you don’t want to miss on TV this week

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Pray for your favorite shows: cancelations are coming.

Continue reading “Pray for your favorite shows: cancelations are coming.”

In which I find myself agreeing with the Parents Television Council and begin to question everything.

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“Free Mary Carillo” would look pretty cool in this new ‘Stranger Things’ text generator, is all I’m saying.