My wish for you is that you have someone in your life who will throw a bobcat for you.

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Robin Sparkles lives!

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The case against Former President Inciter is air tight. Too bad the Republicans couldn’t be fucked to do their job and hear it.

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HBO is doubling down on ‘Game of Thrones’ prequels and, honestly, who can blame them?

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President Treason made another perfect phone call.

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Election Eve is batshit insane here in Texas. Please vote (or be prepared to vote again, as the case may be).

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Let’s talk about ‘The Haunting of Bly Manor’ instead of the actual terrifying shit happening in D.C. right now

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So far, only one presidential candidate has agreed to the debates. Don’t blame him if they don’t happen.

Continue reading “So far, only one presidential candidate has agreed to the debates. Don’t blame him if they don’t happen.”

It’s a big day of news for fans of two shows many people are still really angry about …

Continue reading “It’s a big day of news for fans of two shows many people are still really angry about …”