‘Big Sky’: Momma drama.

Big Sky
“Flesh and Blood”
October 19, 2022

Previously on Big Sky … “They’re gone.”

Walter’s cabin in the woods. He wonders why Paige didn’t scream for help while Buck and Sunny were there. Paige—correctly—guessed that she wasn’t likely to find much aid if she did. Walter confirms this when she asks what would have happened if she did scream.

“Nothing good.”

Continue reading “‘Big Sky’: Momma drama.”

‘Big Sky’: The monsters always win.

Big Sky
“Carrion Comfort”
October 12, 2022

Previously on Big Sky … I didn’t know that a girl like you could make me feel so sad, Rosanna.

A woman dances around her dining room while she cleans up dishes from dinner. She knocks over an empty wine bottle and it smashes on the tile floor. She does not put shoes on her bare feet and that’s just asking for a sliver. She grabs a dustpan and gets down on her (bare) knees to sweep up the glass. Again, SLIVER. She picks up one of the pieces and slices her finger.

See. SEE?

Continue reading “‘Big Sky’: The monsters always win.”

‘Big Sky’: Such a Disappointment

Big Sky
“A Brief History of Crime”
October 5, 2022

Previously on Big Sky … SIX DAYS?

Luke is crouched down by a stream trying to wash off the unusually large amounts of blood that are smeared on his arms and down his leg. He turns at the sound of a shutter click. He looks at Emily. Emily looks at the unusually large amounts of blood and whips out her knife. She shouts at Luke not to come any closer. Luke knows the conclusion Emily is jumping to, and not wanting to escalate the situation or frighten her further, he charges up the trail towards her.

Continue reading “‘Big Sky’: Such a Disappointment”

‘Big Sky’: How Not to Die in the Woods

Big Sky
“The Woods are Lovely, Dark and Deep”
September 28, 2022

Previously on Big Sky … Hello, friend.

“My sweet boy … do we have a problem?”

Reba is holding the plate of warm s’mores, her flashlight still trained on Dead-eyes. His dead eyes get shifty. How did she know? Reba tells him a mother always knows … and reminds him that he can’t be there. He has a place, and as long as he stays there, everything is peachy keen. That’s their deal. Dead-eyes Walt simply says he needs to show her something.

Continue reading “‘Big Sky’: How Not to Die in the Woods”

‘Big Sky’: A SuperSky State of Mind

Big Sky

“Do You Love an Apple”
September 21, 2022

Don’t you love nature? The sweeping vistas. Fresh air. Blue skies. Dead-eyed mountain men lying in wait to murder you.

Wait, what?

Continue reading “‘Big Sky’: A SuperSky State of Mind”