Late Night has some prison tips for Michael Cohen

Seth Meyers takes A Closer Look at the right’s insistence that we are a “nation of laws” in light of Cohen being sentenced and Trump being accused of committing felonies:

Stephen Colbert has some handy tips for surviving prison for Michael Cohen:

Jimmy Kimmel: “At least 16 members of Team Trump had contact with the Russians during the campaign or transition. Sixteen! If Donald Trump was a rapper, his name would be Colludicrous.” 

Jimmy Fallon notes that Michael Cohen knows it could have been worse: he could have become Trump’s White House Chief of Staff:

Trevor Noah suggests everyone working for Trump should be read their Miranda rights on their first day at work:

James Corden points out that Cohen’s prison time won’t be so bad: he’ll be placed in the prison’s newly dedicated Trump Administration wing:

Samantha Bee does a deep dive on the new Fox News streaming service, Fox Now, for the Fox News viewer who would rather avoid watching Shep Smith deliver actual facts: 

Seth Meyers notes that the Prince Harry and Megan Markle wax statues might not look like them but their Mike Pence is uncanny:

Seth Meyers also interviewed my favorite Trump impersonator, Anthony Atamanuik, who did a hilarious interview as Trump:

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