Late Night grieves their greatest loss yet: The Mooch

R.I.P. The Mooch’s White House career:

Jimmy Kimmel landed the first post-exit interview with The Mooch:

Stephen Colbert put his feelings about the loss into song:

Seth Meyers takes a closer look at all the chaos at the White House went through over the weekend, and there was A LOT OF CHAOS AT THE WHITE HOUSE THIS WEEKEND:

Trevor Noah points out that The Mooch left us with nothing but weird hand gestures:

The Tonight Show visits with GOP Fan Boy John Early who has some encouraging words for a party under assault, Reince Priebus and The Mooch:

The night before The Mooch was pushed out, John Oliver celebrated this beautiful foul-mouthed, greasy comet. Gone too soon. 

And this isn’t late night, but if you haven’t yet seen this Twitter Account, you’re welcome. 

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